THE PHONEMES - Sunday Morning, Sacred Heart from Mitch Fillion ( on Vimeo.
Please join Betty Burke, The Phonemes, and Kathleen Phillips for a very special show at the Imperial Pub this Thursday. Presented by our sister Holly Andruchuk's 50 River Concerts and the Imperial, this will be a memorable evening.
Kathleen will do comedy, and BB and The Phonemes will sing and tap things (guitars, tables, keys.) You can see the Phonemes in the above video, performing the song "Sacred Heart." The video was done by Mitch Fillion as part of his Southern Souls project.
In addition to a surprise guest, BB's special guest performers include Sarianna Mileski and Stephanie Markowitz. Sarianna will be singing a new number called "The Prince," which is dedicated to all the mysteriously single Torontonians. You know what I mean- people who can't get a date in this town despite all kinds of amazingness.
Kathleen will kick things off at 9pm, followed by The Phonemes- our dear friends Magali, Stephanie Markowitz, and John Tielli- and then BB. It's an early one, friends, so don't delay in making your way over.
See you there!
Fun times!